Mar 16, 2009

***** GRID ***** REVIEW *****

One of the Finest Graphics in racing Simulation game that i have ever seen is what GRID has, GRID is certainly one of the best racing simulation games out in the market

Beautiful Eye candy Graphics is what one will notice at the first Instance in the game.
The presentation navigation of the menu system is really cool. Navigating through the intial screens of the menu pulls you into the game, its really a good start for a game.

The Best part of the game that actually holds you down on the seat is the in-game Physics and AI

in-game Physics i.e the Collision, Damage etc adds to the realism with the Eye candy graphics.
Minor bumps and scratch's will will not decrease the performance of the car but a major accident may lead to steering drifting on one side, you may find loss of speed and acceleration. the Developers have introduced a feature that is similar to one in prince of Persia FLASHBACK
as what they call it.

If in case you had an head on collision your comes comes to halt this is where FLASHBACK can come to your rescue Just press ( F2 ) to go back in race stop where you went wrong press ( F12 ) and there you are start your Race again from there. GRID Restricts these feature for only 4 Uses

AI ( Artificial intelligence ) of GRID is another ball in basket that adds realism in the game. When u start off a race the opponents drive in particular fashion according to the race, they may try to block you and also may crash into each other.

IF you are looking out for some eye candy Graphics, real cool tough races down on renowned tracks like ( Le Man's ) then go for it i am sure it wont let you Down